Resolved -
Decta SOAP transactions have now been recaptured to be sent for settlement in tonight's run.
Jan 16, 09:55 GMT
Monitoring -
All files have now been successfully acknowledged by the relevant Acquirer bar Decta SOAP for which we are awaiting a response.
Please note, this will result in a day's delay in the settlement of funds for affected transactions.
Jan 15, 14:37 GMT
Investigating -
For transactions processed yesterday, we have identified an issue resulting in a delay to Settlement files for the below Acquirers:
- Elavon ISO
- Trust Payments UK
- Fiserv Omnipay
- Paystrax
- Decta SOAP (Rietumu)
Our engineers are working to resolve this. We will keep you updated.
Jan 15, 10:01 GMT